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Friday, April 11, 2008

Fist of guthix review


Here we are with yet ANOTHER new mini game. Was it just another attempt to get rid of wildy?
Uh, no! It has nothing to do with wildy, except the fact that it is in the wildy.

Good things:
Well everyone loves the fact that you get free runes which mean free mage training with any type of mage! (ancients' love that!!! unlike barbarian assault)
You get back all the arrows/bolts you used, except the ones that you wouldn't get any other time.
I wouldn't recommend it for training, only for fun. The fact that it is P.V.P. or 1 on 1 is what a lot of people like. It's different from Castle wars because you can't have everyone fighting you. The items are very very good. Although the dragon gloves aren't better than the ones from R.F.D.,
they're good enough if you can't do a ton of quests. The new shields aren't better than the obby shield, thanks bro, the rune berserker kite give 1 less str bonus than the obby shield. all the rest of the shields are crap. (well they aren't too bad...I use rune def though) The robes; I do not know how good they are or if they are better or worse than anything else. The skill effectiveness lowering is a good thing. Lets say your a rilly low lvl and you get matched against a lvl 120 sumfin with lvl 99 def. Your screwed. But because they made the skill effectiveness lowered, he should have about 50 def. (I'm just guessing...) Now you can hit. Either way we know you'll lose.

Bad things:
Sometimes when you walk into the houses it would log you out, but I believe they fixed that. Sara Strike and Flames of Zammy are not the kind of spells you wanna use here. They are not as powerful as claws of Guthix here. (Note: fist of GUTHIX) Also when you got the walk through of the game, The big slug thing tells you that some spells are not as powerful here. The bad thing about skill lowering is that if your the total noob against the rilly high lvled, He is going to basically be able max on you. You'll have like lvl 1 def and you will be an easy target.

Here are a few tips if you are being hunted to increase ur time holding the little charging orb:

#1 If you still have ur little tele orb thingy and the guy chasing you is about to kill you if you don't do something fast, run ALL the way to the very EDGE of the arena. Now use ur little tele thingy and it will take you to the center of the arena. Now run run run as fast as you can to the opposite side of the arena. Actually stop at the opposite house. Stand on the opposite side of the little house. Once he comes you can get in the little burning house. Don't tele unless he waits there. Once he runs off to another burning house, get out of the one ur in. Now once he's out of ur mini map run as fast as you can after him, don't let him get in ur mini map.

#2 If ur out of bandages, and ur little orb, you need a way to stay alive without dieing, here is what to do. Get to the middle without ur guy attacking you. Wait till he gets in ur mini map, (unless he already is) and run towards the little burning house closest to his location. He will probably turn tail an run straight to you. As soon as you stop where you clicked run straight back to the little circle in the middle. Repeat this as many times as you can.

Good luck.

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